Dessert Churro

One of the joys of burning calories while backpacking is the luxury of being able to eat desserts that you might not allow yourself at home. This is one of our favorites: it is quick and simple to prepare, and decadently good to eat.

Flour tortillasCinnamon
Nutmeg (optional)
Nutella or Justin's Nut Butter Chocolate Hazelnut butter
Coconut oil
Brown Sugar
Note: the sugar, spices and oil should be transported in leak-proof bottles (available from any good outdoor store). As you build your gourmet skills (and your recipe repertoire), bottles like this will prove invaluable.

Spread Nutella or chocolate hazelnut butter over a tortilla. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon to taste, and roll up tightly. Oil the pan (X-Pan or Alpha Pan) and lightly fry the tortilla on all sides until browned and crispy. Dust with cinnamon and nutmeg. Yum!
Pro Tips:
X-Pans do not have a non-stick surface (the surface is polished anodized aluminum) so you will need a little more oil than you would with a non-stick pan such as the Alpha Pan. Oil equals calories, which you will burn on the trail tomorrow (after which you can make another of our delicious recipes).
If you want to go for a really decadent experience, melt some chocolate chips in an X-Cup (place the X-Cup in an X-Pot, Alpha Pot or Sigma Pot of boiling water, add the chocolate chips and stir). Then dip or drizzle the finished churros…
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